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What is the difference between Microblading & Natural Hairstroke Brows?


The simple answer is the difference in  tools used to implant the pigment.


Microblades are made up of 18 tiny pins in a U formation, these pins are dragged through the skin, depositing a channel of pigment which resembles a strand of hair. 

Microblading was a fashionable technique but years on we are seeing undesirable healed results and scar tissue in the brow due to the trauma to the skin. This technique is not suitable for oily, combination, or fragile (older) skin types.


Natural Hairstroke brows is a powered device that uses a single needle to deposit tiny dots of pigment, the needle is bobbing so fast in and out of the skin that it creates the illusion of a strand of hair, when in actual fact they are micro dots.

This is an advanced technique suitable for most skin types, it is a gentle way of pigment implantation and so we see beautiful long term results, no scar tissue and minimal discomfort during treatment.



So why do we prefer Natural Hair Stroke Brows technique?


We love the long term healed results and minimal discomfort for our clients


Our skin naturally produces oils, some skin types are oilier than others, over the course of 6 months - 1 year, these oils will start to break down the channel of pigment created from microblading. This will cause the pigment to migrate (move) out of the channel. If these channels have been placed close together, each channel merges with the next and the results create a solid block & discoloured looking brow.


Natural Hairstroke brows are created with single dots so when the skin produces oils, it will break down the dot of pigment (lighten it) and will have minimal migration because the surface area of each dot is so small, compared to a complete channel.


We are always striving for the best long term results for our clients. Currently we are seeing clients with previous microblading which needs removal prior to being able to proceed with a brow treatment. For these reasons, we prefer natural hairstroke technique over microblading.



Who is not a suitable candidate for Permanent Make-Up?


If you suffer from any of the following Health Conditions, you may not be a suitable candidate:










Does It Hurt?


We are breaking the skin and implanting pigment into the upper layers of the dermis, so there will be some level of discomfort. The sensation feels like a warm scratch to skin, once the skin has been penetrated, we can apply an anaesthetic to numb the area. You will have very little sensation for the rest of the treatment.


Everyone has a different pain threshold, different skin thickness, and different levels of sensitivity. Please res assured that this technique is far less painful than microblading, and each artist has a different pressure with the needle. What your friends may have experienced elsewhere, should not be compared to my light touch.


Please note: you may be more sensitive around your menstrual cycle.



How long does it last?


The longevity of permanent make-up will vary from person to person and depends on many key factors: Medications, Age, Lifestyle, Diet, Product usage, Exposure to UVA / UVB rays.... to name a few.


It is also worth noting, there is no such thing as semi permanent. All pigments implanted in the skin will leave a long term residue of colour.


This is a guideline to when these treatments will need a colour refresh:


Nano Hairstroke Brows 1 - 2 Years

Lip Blush  1 - 3 Years



What is included in the price?


Full treatments include a FREE colour refresh and an entire aftercare pack of everything you need for perfect healing


Brows require a refresh at 6 weeks

Lip Blush requires a refresh at 8 weeks


Consultations are not included in the price and need to be booked separately at least 48 hours prior to treatment. (Cost £20)


Full list of prices can be found HERE



I'm going on holiday, is that a problem?


While your permanent make-up is healing (within the first 4 weeks) we do not advise you go in the sun, swim in pools, use saunas or sweat. The first 4 weeks are paramount to achieving great healed results. All these elements will fade your permanent makeup down.



I'm getting married and would like permanent for my wedding. When do you recommend I have the treatment?


You've got to plan ahead. I would allow at least 3-4 months. You will have your initial treatment and then it's a 6-8 week wait until the top up, then a further 4 weeks healing after this.


I would then try to allow a further month just to let the colour soften just in case the colour is bolder than you had anticipated.


Plan ahead, leave plenty of time to ride out the healing process and enjoy your honeymoon without the fear of ruining your permanent makeup.



Will I have scabbing?


No. The aftercare has been developed to prevent scabs from forming, so providing you follow the aftercare, you will have perfect  healing.



Do my beauty products affect the pigment longevity?


Yes, and this is why we discuss what beauty products you use.


You really need to look at what ingredients are in your products. Any AHA's, BHA's or products that claim to be anti-ageing will have a negative effect on your brows. This is because they are encouraging a high skin cell turnover, and pigment sits in these skin cells,  if the skin is constantly re-generating it will break the pigment down quicker which makes them look light and faded


Look out for Alpha Hydroxy Acids (AHA's), Beta Hydroxy Acids (BHA's) and Retin A... these are present in all different forms: Creams, Serums, Peels, Cleansers, Toners, Masks etc 


If you are unsure, send me your product list and we will check them for you.



Does wearing make-up on my brows fade them?


Foundation contains Titanium Dioxide and will fade the pigment down in your permanent makeup.


Always try to keep a gap between your make-up and your brows. If you are finding yourself applying brow make-up every day on your brows, then we need to go ahead and add in some more pigment.


Applying make-up daily is not an ideal solution, we are trying to eliminate this and save you time.




Heart Disorder

High Blood Pressure

Low Blood Pressure


Breast Feeding


Certain Prescribed Medication






Auto Immune Disease

Hepatitis C

Recently Taken Antibiotics

Previous Nickel Allergy

Previous Keloid Scarring

Active Cold Sore / Fever Blister

Undergone Recent Surgery

Chemotherapy in the last 6 months

Used Retin A in the last 6 months

Had Botox in the last 2 weeks

Oily Skin / Acne prone skin

Sun Shower user

Someone who doesn't apply SPF

Used Accutane in the last 12 months

Takes Blood Thinners



Who is not a suitable candidate for Permanent Make-Up?

If you suffer from any of the following Health Conditions you may not be a suitable candidate:

©2018 GLAM Brixham. 

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Private Permanent Make-Up Studio  in Brixham.

Specialsing in natural, hair stroke brows and lip blush tattoo​

Book Your Appointment Here
Monday              10:00 - 17:00 
Tuesday             10:00 - 17:00
Wednesday      10:00 - 17:00
Thursday           10:00 - 17:00
Friday                  10:00 - 17:00
Saturday            1 per month
Sunday               Closed

Studio open one Saturday per  month



42 North Boundary Rd

Brixham TQ5 8LQ





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